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Legal Counsel to Spiideo

Spiideo is a global leader in automated, cloud-based solutions for sports video analysis and streaming, headquartered in the heart of Malmö. Our customers are sport clubs, leagues and media companies all over the globe. As part of our growth journey, we are now looking to strengthening our team at the Lilla Torg office in Malmö with a highly skilled Legal Counsel.


About the role

In the role of Legal Counsel, you will be supporting the organization with a wide range of legal matters, with a special focus on our customer contracts and product terms and conditions. In this newly established role, you will have the unique opportunity to shape its development and be part of establishing new routines and processes. You will be the first and sole inhouse Legal Counsel and work closely with both the product development organization as well as the sales and marketing teams. You will report to the CFO and work with colleagues and customers across the globe.


The role includes the following key responsibilities:

  • Provide legal advice on customer contracts, including redlining and negotiations;
  • Develop and maintain a robust and competitive structure for our product terms and conditions and implement a platform to manage contracts, track versions, and ensure compliance;
  • Ensure that all customer contracts are up-to-date and reflect the latest product developments;
  • Work cross-functionally with Product and Commercial to ensure good and competitive legal solutions for new product releases; and
  • Work closely with our CEO, CFO, external law firms and other stakeholders on company related legal matters.


Location: Spiideo´s office at Lilla Torg 1 in Malmö with a short walking distance from the train station.


Remote status: Office first (Hybrid, minimum 3 days in Malmö office per week).


What we are looking for

We are looking for a qualified lawyer with a Master of Laws (LL.M) and at least seven years of experience as an associate from a reputable law firm or as in-house counsel at a tech company. You have strong expertise in drafting and negotiating commercial contracts and more specifically, experience of working with SaaS agreements and products. You have a great ability to develop and implement legal structures and processes. You are used to working independently and have excellent language skills in English, both orally and in writing.


To succeed in this role, you need to enjoy working in a rapidly changing and dynamic environment. You are a business-driven person with a proactive attitude and an excellent negotiator with a solution-oriented mindset. You are comfortable making decisions, and capable of providing clear guidance to the organization. You are a humble and positive team player who appreciates working across different functions.


What we offer you

We offer a collaborative, supportive environment with opportunities for professional growth. You will have the chance to make an impact in a growing, international SaaS company and be part of a friendly and skilled multinational team with people from many different nationalities and backgrounds.


We believe that when the best people work together in an open environment, magic happens. Working at Spiideo should be rewarding, fun, and developing yet challenging.


About Spiideo

Spiideo provides innovative solutions for automating sports video production, video analysis and streaming of all levels of sports - all over the world. The powerful cloud-based camera system uses AI to automatically capture high-quality, panoramic footage, enabling the delivery of high-quality analysis and feedback without manual filming.


Spiideo works globally with all levels of sports- from elite to amateur and senior to youth. Thousands of organizations are currently using Spiideo, including teams in the Premier League, NHL and NBA, as well as national leagues such as Sweden´s Allsvenskan.


Founded in Malmö in 2012, Spiideo has grown and scaled internationally, delivering products worldwide and with 100+ employees across 15 different countries. Alongside camera system development, customer success, sales and marketing, we have a complete product development organization in-house with high capacity in cloud, frontend, design, video and AI/ML.


Contact and Application

In this recruitment process, Spiideo is supported by Jurek Recruitment & Consulting. Please apply via www.jurek.se. We review new applications continuously. Kindly note that we do not accept applications by email.


For any questions, please contact Recruitment Consultant Linn Marthinussen by phone 076-002 69 41, or by email at linn.marthinussen@jurek.se 










Ansök nu


Ansök snarast . Arbetsort : Malmö . Publicerat : 17 februari

Kategorier : Juridik

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